Forex Trading Company

Risk Disclosure Document

Dear Client,

First and foremost, we thank you for choosing as your Forex trading partner. We firmly believe that offering a transparent and comprehensive risk disclosure is part of our responsibility. The following is our risk disclosure document.

1. Legal Compliance

is a tightly regulated financial institution, and we strictly abide by all applicable domestic and international laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines. We maintain compliance licenses in various regions around the world to ensure that we can provide services globally. However, this does not guarantee the risklessness of your investment. Please carefully read and understand all the related risks before making any trading decisions.

2. Financial Security

The safety of your funds is our top priority. has taken the following measures to ensure the safety of your funds:
- All client funds are stored in separate trust accounts at top-tier banks.
- We maintain stringent financial auditing and monitoring systems.
- Our platforms and trading systems employ state-of-the-art security technologies.
However, please note that despite all these measures, forex trading carries high risk and could result in the loss of some or all of your invested capital.

3. Data Protection

We are committed to protecting your personal information. 's data protection policy is designed to meet all globally applicable data protection laws. We use advanced encryption technologies to protect your data, and our staff receive rigorous training to ensure they know how to handle your data in compliance with our policies.

4. Market Risk

The Forex market is highly volatile, and prices are affected by various factors including but not limited to policy changes, economic data, global events, etc. Therefore, you may suffer losses in forex trading, and we recommend you use appropriate risk management tools and trade based on your risk tolerance.

5. Leverage Risk

Forex trading allows for the use of leverage to amplify trading effects. However, this also means that losses can be amplified. When deciding to use leverage, you should be aware of this risk.
We invite you to read and understand this risk disclosure document in detail before making any trading decisions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer service team at any time.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Chief Compliance and Risk Officer,

Date: June 16, 2023


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